Thursday 6 July 2017

Old fashioned cures versus high street chemists

Perhaps it's easier to walk into your nearest chemist but you could also 
try a few of the traditional remedies for what ails you.
Take Herb Bennet for example, above, now it is seeding it is 
a good time to use to cure spots.
Place the root into wine then use to 'scoureth out foul spots if the 
face be washed daily.
It also refresheth the heart and maketh it merry.'

This is one that I would not recommend.
To cure the thrush, take  a living frog place it in a cloth  so
 that it does not go down the child's throat and place the head of 
the frog into the child's mouth until it is dead. 
Then take another frog and do the same again.

Found this article in the Telegraph about Frog snot!

The mucus of a rare frog that lurks in the south Indian jungle could provide the basis of a powerful new class of drugs to combat influenza.
It is found to " host defence peptides" that proved able to destroy numerous strains of human flu, whilst protecting normal cells.
Don't get too excited tho as people  are advised to treat this with caution as three out of the four of the peptides found in the mucus were found to be toxic to humans. 

Some flu cure!

In Peru they use frogs along with white bean broth, honey, 
raw aloe vera, maca; a quick whizz in the blender and there you have
 an aphrodisiac called The Peruvian Viagra! 

Or another use for a frog!
To cure the Black death, place a live frog on the plague sore. 
The frog will swell up and burst. Keep doing this with further frogs until they stop bursting. Apparently some people say that a dried toad will work better.

Sorry, I started writing this in the intention of illustrating a 
few 'nice' floral and herbal remedies but I seemed to have gone 
off in a different direction!
Perhaps tomorrow!

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